Sunday, November 18, 2007

Labour Pains for 3 Hrs 42 Mins!

Foo..Foo.. Exhale.
Take deep breaths. You can do it.
C'mon, loads of people have done it before, it can't be that tough.

8th Minute of a half marathon and this is what I felt like.
I'd gone with the intention of running, (oh who am I kidding!) walking a respectable 10 kms, take some pictures and come back to sleep off the rest of the Sunday.

It just so happened that on that day I was 'encouraged' to run 21 kms and that it would be 'fun' and so I went ahead to grab the challenge, much like a mouse would agree to tear apart the next tiger it sees.

Everyone at the Starting Line. Basic instructions are given. I'm still looking at that tall, athletic girl who has the 'Bring It On!' look on her face, and that taller, athletic-er man behind her thinking ' aah, 21 km! i'm really downgrading myself this time'.

Whistle blows and I start running, keeping pace with the tall girl. I'm not all that bad. This is good. I can feel the steady running rythm building and a few people crossing me. 'That's ok, I'm only competing with myself, just keep running!'

Foo..Foo.. Exhale. Take deep breaths. You can do it. C'mon, loads of people have done it before, it can't be that tough.

Well, onto the 8th minute and I realise. It IS that tough! In fact a LOT more tough than I'd ever imagined. My stamina is un-minable and my will, dropping like the heart-rate of a patient who needs more 'dua' than 'dawa'.

'This was a verrry bad idea!' The entire crowd has almost taken me over by now, barring a few people, who probably have the same levels of fitness as me, and even that's not encouraging.

So I decide to walk it. Thankfully accompanied by my friend Sattu who would've run a full marathon had he not been injured badly, the last time he attempted it.

We'd decided to quit after some 5 kms and run back, but pride that baseless, emotional sense of completing the task at hand whether hell or high water (@#$@#%@%) pushed us to finish all of it. Winning was not important (thats what those who're losing or non-competing say!) but finishing was (cause I had to get back home!!!) so we walked..

When you're walking as far as I did ( I like how this sounds); the only hope lies in the two aid stations that you'll be crossing. Aid stations with water, biscuits and peanut butter-jam sandwiches. But even thoughts of food won't make you forget the fact that next station is 'just' 7 kms away.

7 kms means close to 70 minutes if you're walking fast and means much much more if you're walking your way back at 12:30 pm without a cap or shades or a bottle of water.. :)

Meanwhile me met 40 year olds who were disappointed they could run only 42 kms and not 56 like that 50 year old who had zipped ahead an hour back. Not good for the 23 year old walker who's taking 2 hours more to complete half the distance they ran! :)

In any case, I made it back finally, alive but unable to kick for several days I'm sure.
My friend Sattu, told me that running is like alcohol, people take it for the high.
Runner's High it's called.

What did the pains of my labour make me feel at the end of it? Walker's Woes or a Walker Without Toes? Both I guess. Someday I guess I'll look back and smile on it... (Ouchieees!!! I just got up for coffee) .. but I have a strrrong feeling it's not going to be today! :)


Satsang said...

marathon thru the eyes of a first timer - brilliant description gooti!!

can i post this on the RFL grp for the folks.. i'm sure they'd love to read this :)

Anonymous said...

Well, he did post it to only about 800 people.

And it makes for fine reading. Well written.

Okay, now i got to limp to a meeting.


Capricorn 83 said...

nice nice read!

so gearing up to participate for the Ultra marathon :-)?


Priyanka said...

800 people?! Thanks, I don't think I was worried enough! Wonder what's
worse now, hopping around office or waiting for all the hatemail I'm
about to recieve!

Hope you race to fine conclusions in your meeting!

You'd think!? :)

manoj said...

Know what I liked best - "the title" :)
And hey (gooti?!), welcome to the club!!

Shantanu said...

Nice account, welcome to running... an yes Running is definitely like alcohol!!


Priyanka said...

Thanks! The heading came about when I was speaking to Reena from Infy who's also a part of RFL.
I'm Priyanka btw, If you're interested to know where 'gooti' came from.. read a previous post in my blog called "What's in a Name?" :))

Thanks! I promise I'll take to running the moment I get to know that I can walk again! :)

Anonymous said...

You have great sense of humor. Awesome!! Keep writing


Anonymous said...

Hey Priyanka,
Super nice post.
And yes, ONLY 800 ppl read it :D

And yes, I do recall the 'labour pains' wala conversation we had :)

keep running and see ye at the Ultra *adjuts halo*


Priyanka said...

Thanks! Will keep writing for sure if I go to more such marathons! :)

Hey! Was that an "Adjusts Halo (after found fluttering in the heavens above, post an Ultra?)" :))

Anonymous said...

yes, was supposed to be ADJUSTS :)


Ravi said...

Well written ...
BTW, nice analogy, and can we correlate it (The pain) to the Opposite gender?
Keep guessing..
~ Ravi

SRK said...

from a single reader to 800 ppl now... u have officially completed a marathon!!!
do i get a prize for being the first reader??

SRK said...

and oh, i dunno how good an idea it is to decide to run (or walk) a marathon one fine day... without any warm up...

c'mon, ppl prepare for a marathon for months... and attempt it at their peak fitness levels...

and wht is this RFL grp???

Priyanka said...

Nt sure if you'll get a prize but you sure are the most prized reader of this blog for having sincerely wasted time on it for so long! :)

RFL is Runners For Life, a group Satsang introduced me to this Sunday when we went for a marathon at Srirangapatna..

And you're right, running without training.. VERY bad idea! :)

Shantanu said...

nopes I wont agree to it, the enthu is all that matters, I have seen people training since the last 6 months but still cant run a Half Marathon!

Your enthu definitely needs an applause, you have to start from somewhere, provided you continue running now!

RFL: a group of ultra high enthu runners!

See you at the Bangalore Ultra!


SRK said...

@ PG
well, i read blogs to amuse myself... not to please the writers :)

@ Shantanu:
I shudnt be starting an argument on someone's blog comment space... but i think marathon is a serious sport... which needs its share of training...
I mean, enthu is a starting point... to explain it in academic lingo, it is a necessary but not a sufficient condition :)
I mean, much as Sattu will debate this point, I dont think U can jus decide I'll climb Mt. Everest bcoz i hv enthu... u train for it... u train for any sport, especially if it involves physical endurance...
Lance Armstrong doesnt wake up one fine day and say, "let's see, how about cycling in Tour de France"...
as for the u've got to start somewhr... precisely my point... start practising a mth before the actual marathon :))

Toufeeq said...

Well Done! and Congratulations on completing it. It's important to walk the path than spectate from afar. Welcome to the club

Unknown said...

Amazing post. Congrats on completion.

@srk: Isnt priyanka herself proof that u can do a half without training? And that enthu (and perhaps "pride, the useles......")is the most important thing

Priyanka said...

Thanks for the encouragement. Will try and learn from the spirit of this fantastic group!

Thanks! Will keep up the spirit! All the best for the ultra! :)

Rahul Verghese said...

Great read.
Now you need an overdose of the runners high!
I am sure you are already looking back in amazement of what you have achieved
Rahul Verghese