Friday, June 05, 2009

Delhi Undone - Quote

Quote for the Day-lhi:

Delhi is the only place I've seen where people find it necessary to express opinions. It's not really a desire but more like an itch, they just need to do it and when they do, they just dont know where they're scratching.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ode to Delhi

I love Delhi - It's violent, rude, crude and disrespectful, but there's nothing quite anywhere else which matches the character of the place.

Picture this:
Glittering aunties in all their flouroscence, flutter up the malls and markets showing off latest D&G imitations, pan chewing traders scratch their bellies with disinterest even as customers patiently await their attention, young college couples sit on bikes and listen to music on their mobile phone (sharing one speaker each) while a Tavera bangs into a Skoda behind them -loud honks from other cars drowning out all expletives with ease...

Fine, maybe love is too strong a word, but fascinated I surely am.

It's genuinely temperamental, temperamentally critical and critcally relevant for sustaining the brand equity of India and all I can do is dedicate the next few posts to the life in this fabulous city.

Read on :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

5 things which make Delhi so strangely interesting!

  1. Auto rickshaw drivers from UP who spit pan all along the way from CP to South Delhi while driving at 80 kms per hr (even while courting the 5-6 roundabouts which fall in the way)
  2. Punjabi aunties discussing (loudly, ofcourse) the idea of buying a "cut-sleeves" jacket while working out in a gym.
  3. North Indians eating Shahi Paneer at Sarvana Bhavan.
  4. Salesman who try to convince you to buy a wrinkly Linen jacket because "the more wrinkles it has, the more graceful it is"
  5. Going to Regal Cinema to watch a movie with a male friend and being immediately solicited by 'agents' who offer us "box seats.. very good for couples! ;)"

All of the above.. in one single day...