Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happening New Year!

Hey all!

Looking at the fact that this is my first post this year... obviously proves that I didn't make a strong enough resolve to keep writing! Really do apologize about that, but laziness and blogger being blocked in office and laziness do not help my case too much! :(

If the first 13 days of the year are anything to talk about, the year ahead sure seems to be headed backwards, more so than ever.

Mob violence or Mob 'Justice' as some prefer to put it, seems to gaining momentum as the new, in-vogue route to expressing oneself. This year, it was seen in many forms and for many reasons....
Be it 70 men expressing their untamed libidos on two women, or a crowd of 200 meting out justice to an apparent 'husband killer' by stripping her and beating her in public. Whether it was people burning churches to proclaim their own religion's superiority or mobs burning halls and banning the screening of movies in their state, just because the actor in it had 'dared' to talk about the Narmada issue.

I guess I shouldn't be worried about the fact that people are 'creating justice' without a consideration, knowing that those there to preserve rules have as little regard for them as anyone else. Be it extorting birthday gifts from followers or Bharat Ratnas from the government, everything is pardonable, everything is acceptable and everything seems to be getting worse.

The country is spiralling into a pit sans morals, sans ethic and if nothing is done about it soon.. sans hope.

Anyway, wish you all a Happy New Year.. Hope for a smoother journey hereafter! Cheers!


R. Anand said...

after all that cheers !!! it can lead to only one thing... hic!

Anonymous said...

maza nahi aaya!
Expect much better post from u..this is the usual mumbai mirror stuff or an emotional outburst after reading a lot of TOI. There are many good things also happening in the country. So, don't write off this new year just because media was busy selling only bad and sensational news. Get back to your usual style. Read your prev posts(aamir khan) and compare with this one (emraan hashmi). My apologies for being so blunt but can't see a good blogger wasting her talent.

Shantanu said...

ya you are right the Mumbai incident is a shame for all of us, our society is far from civilized, we still have a long way to go, I do not blame police much for such incidents, as it is always the society which has to act in a civilized manner, the police cannot be everywhere in the country!


SRK said...

hmm... mobs have been violent from the time my great grand daddy was a kid... wots new in 2008?

"gaining momentum?" - the only thing tht has happenned is tht the media has jumped in and tryin to raise some noise...

and "the country is spiralling into a pit"... mobs are violent in every country in the world...

a post after so long, but more senti than wid sense... here's hopin for a more sensible 2008...

Priyanka said...

Hey all, Nearly a month after the last blog, this one was bound to sound rusty, but I hope to get into the groove back soon! Thanks for the feedback! Makes this blogger-less-read feel good about the hits on the site! ;) But on a serious note, sure it wasn't in the same tone as earlier posts, but the kicking off of a year with 80 men diving to outrage someone's modesty doesn't leave much to remain cheered about.

@ Anonymous: Thanks for considering me a good blogger... putting a lot on pressure on me already! ;) The only diff between Hasmi and this post... He sells, I did'n't ;) Keep reading, More Aamir promised!

@ SRK:
Media has started capturing this as it's no longer ignorable. What I meant to say but possibly was inept at explaining was the fact that mobs, people, individuals have become growingly intolerant, and the year so far has proved that more strongly than all it's predecessors.

@SRK and Anonymous:
I don't read ToI. I'm just disgusted by this time of India.

spiderman! said...

Good heavy stuff. Reminded me a bit about Edward Murrow's speech in Good Night and Good Luck. The tenor of the piece is similar.

And who said there was hope for India?